About us
The Garrison Church in Potsdam is a place with a long and ambivalent history. This history also includes the history of reconstruction. The church tower, which opened in 2024, is in its original baroque style - and yet offers something completely new. Who we are, what we do, how you can reach us: Find out more here.
Mission statement
“Guide our feet into the way of peace”: this inscription on the plinth can be found in five languages on the tower of the Garrison Church. The Bible passage from the Gospel of Luke is the compass for the work and programme at the Garrison Church. The site is owned and operated by the Garrison Church Potsdam Foundation. As a church foundation, it promotes religion, education, art, and culture and is committed to tolerance.
We remember history to learn from it for today and tomorrow. To this end, we offer space for dialogue and controversy in mutual respect. We are open to the world, value diversity and are committed to respectful coexistence. We want to strengthen cohesion in society and promote peace and democracy. We oppose discrimination and marginalisation and all forms of anti-Semitism, racism, and historical revisionism.
Many small and large donations have contributed to the reconstruction.
The project is supported by numerous sponsors, including the Fördergesellschaft für den Wiederaufbau der Garnisonkirche e.V. (Society for the Reconstruction of the Garrison Church).
You can also get involved!
You can support the construction and maintenance of the church tower and the content-related work of the Garrison Church Foundation - with a donation of money or time.